Monday, December 22, 2008

20-21 Dezembr 2008 Konknni Romi lipichem Poilem Sommelon

20-21 Dezembr 2008 Konknni Romi lipichem Poilem Sommelon

Thu Dec 11 08:26:53 PST 2008

According to information just received the Dalagado Konknni Akademi - a registered body espousing the cause of Konknni in Roman script will be holding its first two day --Konknni (Roman script) Literary and Cultural Conference " at the "Pai Tiatrist" Joao Agostinho Fernandes nagar, Ravindra Bhavan, at Margao, on 20th and 21st December, 2008.

At a time when forces inimical to Konknni written in the Roman script, are trying to stiffle the objective of granting official recognition to this script 21 years after Konknni was granted Official Language status (4/2/1987) but only in Devanagari script, this conference is welcome It is perhaps the ocassion for every Goan to show solidarity in the fight to set right the injustice, done by the forces that have clandenstinely mooted the "ONE LANGUAGE ONE SCRIPT" objective since 1939 at Karwar, and later consolidated this objective on 21st November 1981 ( 27 years ago ) by an "unanimous" resolution adopted by the Advisory Board for Konknni (which had majority of " nominated " members who had " leanings" to this cause) at the Sahitya Academy New Delhi which spelt out clearly that devanagari is the "natural script" for Konknni.

In fact, when this topic was discussed a month ago among some well meaning citizens by this writer many felt that every Goan should make their presence felt at this Conference, which does not have any political leanings, but is united on the demand for " ONE LANGUAGE (Konkani) DIVERSITY IN SCRIPTS ". Interestingly it is Karnataka that stole the show when it ensured Konknni would be taught in Kannada script in schools in Karnataka last year.For too long the Goan community has been fed with the canards of " Vishal Gomantak " and fears of imposition of "- Marathi as official language" . Ironically this is only to oil their vote banks and when the ballot lines are drawn. Once elected the issues are buried in the sand of times . Even the elected representatives who bank on this emotive issue which is dear to the hearts of all niz Goencars have felt betrayed because they develop cold feet to pursue the issue on the floor of the Legislative Assembly. The CM who promised a "special session" of the Goa Legislative Assembly last August 2008 to trash out the language issue once and for all is yet to take up the issue; but even when that becomes a reality the message seems to be loud and clear --" that short of granting official language status to Konknni in Roman script " -- he is prepared to concede to all other demands made by protoganists of the "Romi lipi". This indeed is a preposterous statement, from an elected "servant" of the people -- argue well meaning Goans as the CM is not doing us any favour -- but should only legislated on our legitimate demands. The result of these utterances has been that the gullible Goans have sacrificed Konkani in Roman script at the altar of their "ignorance" of political scheming and machinations.

This has resulted in those conversant with Konkani in Devanagari script and others with knowledge of Marathi from neighbouring states of Maharashtra and even Karnataka to benefit in matters of a) promoting their cultural literature at the cost of the State Treasury, and b) gaining employment opportunities in the State Government service; but those conversant with Konkani in Roman script figure no where in the socio economic development of the State; rather they have been relegated to the "PARAIAH status" and treated as " SECOND CLASS " citizens of the State, post Liberation and who have now to eke out their sustenance by seeking employment opportunities either in neighbouring States or overseas (sometimes at the peril of healthy family ties ) or in private establishmens in the State and have also to self fund activities for promotion of cultural activities like the mandos, dulpods, cantaram, khells and tiatrs.

There is no doubt that the top echelons of the Archidocese of Goa and Daman is also responsible for their dual stance on the language when the facts speak otherwise, liturgical material and rites are in Roman script to this date ) thus subjecting the community familiar with the Konknni (Romi) script to a forced alienation from the Goan cultural symbiosis of "east and west" and converting the state and its people to emerge as solely " the Kashi of the South " a situation exclusively pre 1510 . This is an intolerable assault on this section of Goans who according to a top banking official who spoke to this writer this evening were responsible for accounting for the highest deposits in the scheduled and others Banks in the Velhas Conquistas of Salcete, Mormugao, Ilhas (Tiswadi) and Bardez and enhancing the per capita income of the State . Besides he claimed that this section is also responsible for voting the successive secular Governments in the 22 constituencies of the Old Conquest that enable half the elected representatives to adorn the Treasury benches. According to a ex MLA from Ponda taluka now out of politics he mentioned discreetly to this writer that the Hindu Bahujan Samaj (non Hindu Brahmins ) excluding the Maharastrians settled in Goa pre Liberation and thereafter, have always supported the cause of Konknni in Roman script even at the height of the language agitation, it is unfortunate that the protoganists failed to separate the chaff from the grain then and came under the spell of the very "exploiters" who have dominated them in these Old Conquests He admitted though that they have supported Marathi only as a written language and for religious and cultural purposes but always admit Konknni to be their mother tongue.

Therefore he too suscribed to the view that it is incumbent for every Goan to make this Conference a grand success. Incidentally the first day function 20th December, 2008 is the 22nd death anniversary of the first Konknni martyr Master Floriano Vaz and it would be a tribute to the deceased soul that Goans dedicate this day for the cause for which he lost his life; while the next date is the birth anniversary of the Father of Konknni theatre (Pai Tiatrist) late Joao Agostinho Fernandes (21/12/1871) in whose memory the conference venue has been named.

The invite reads as follows.

(Amontronn) ----------------Ghorcheam ani ixttam sangata yeunchemPoilem Konknni (ROMI LIPI) Sahitya ani Sonvskruti Sommelon Dalgado KonknniAkademi Puroskrut20 ani 21 Dezembr, 2008 Pai Tiatrist Joao Agostinho Fernandes nagarRavindra Bhavan Moddganv GoyPoilo Dis 20 Dezembr, 2008 (son’var)3.30 vaztam Sonskrutik Karyavoll4.30 vaztam· Pursanv kaddun soireank muzganchea gazacher vosreant vhorop· Yeukar git· Yeukar ---Yeukar Odheokx Xri Agnelo Alcasoas· Paromporik divli pettovop· Bhoumancho dobazo· Yadostikechi ugtavnni· Novea Pustokanchi Kesett/CD-inchi uzvaddavnni· Vavurpi Odheokxachem Ulovp – Xri Vincy Quadros· Mukhel Ulovpi Pri Pratap Naik Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendracho Son’chalok· Manacho Soiro Xri Mauvin Godinho, Goy Vidhan Sobhecho Up-Sobhapoti· Mukhel Soiro Goycho Mukhel Montri Digamber Kamat· Yezmanache Uloup DKA-cho Odheokx Xri Premanand Lotlikar· Upkar Sommelonacho Chittnnis Xri Tarkeshwar Naik6.00 vaztam Sonvskrutik karyavoll Dusro Dis 21 Dezembr, 2008 (aitar)9.30 vaztam Sonvskrutik KaryavollPoilem Sotr (10.00 a.m. tim 12.00 vaztam )Vixoi ROMI LIPINTLEA KONKNNI SAHITYACHI VATTCHALOdheokx: Prof . Olivinho Gomes“Paper” Manddpia) Kotha / Kadambori Bonaventure D’ Pietrob) Kovita Pandarinath Lotlikarc) Lekh/Lolit Borovp Dr (Pri) Victor FerraoSonvskrutik KaryavollDon’ parchem 1.00 vaztam JevonnSonskrutik KaryavollDusrem Sotr (3.00 – 5.00 vaztam)Vixoi KONKNNI SOMAZ : KONKNNI BHAXEK KITLO LAGIM KITLO POIS Odheokx DrNandkumar Kamat“Paper” Manddpia) Xikxonn Prof Newman Fernandesb) Tiatrachem Yogdan Xri Wilson Mazarelloc) Tornnate Pri Conceicao D SilvaTharav ghevop.

Xevottacho Dobazo (5.30 vaztam)· Yeukar Xri Tomazinho Cardozo· Mandun ghetlole tharav vachop· Vavurpi Odheokx Xri Vincy Quadros· Manacho Soiro Dr Olivinho Gomes Sahitya Akademicho Omnkaracho Puroskarmanest· Mukhel Soiro Xri Churchill Alemao Bhouxik Bandkam Khateacho Montri· Yezman DKA cho Odheokx Xri Premanand A Lotlikar· Upkar DKA-cho Chittnnis Xri Jose Salvador FernandesTiatristanchi Sonvaskrutik KaryavollTiatr: “Tandllanchem Kestanv”Borovpi: Pai Tiatrist Sorg Joao Agostinho FernandesDigdorspi Anil KumarBhag ghevpi: Konknni machievele nanvoste kolakar************************Xri Agnelo Alcasoas Yeukar OdheokxXri Vincy Quadros Vavurpi OdheokxXri Premanand A Lotlikar DKA OdheokxGODFREY J. I. GONSALVES,BORDA, MARGAO, 403 602, GOA. (INDIA)+91 98221 58584 (24 HRS) gonsalvesgodfreyji at


Moddganv: Dalgado Konknni Akademi Dezembrache 20ver ani 21ver Poilem Konknni (Romi Lipi) Sahitya ani Sonvskruti Sommelon ghoddun haddta. Hem don disachem Sommelon, Moddganv Ravindra Bhavan, Pai Tiatrist Joao Agostinho Fernandes Vosreant zatolem. Fattlim sabar vorsam zollim-mollim ximpoddlolea Konknniche Romi lipintlea borovpeank, vachpeank, vavurpeank ani borem magpeank ekttaim haddche hetun ghoddun haddpi hea Poileach Sommelonak DKA-n Kankonn tem Valpoi meren ganvam-ganvamni lokak zagrut korpacheo karyavolli chalik laileat. Hea Sommelonak Gõycho Mukhel Montri Digambar Kamat mukhel soiro astolo, ani Gõy Vidhan Sobhecho UP-sobhapoti Xri. Mauvinho Godinho manacho soiro astolo. Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendracho Son’chalok Pri. Pratap Naik mukhel ulovp kortolo.Konknni mogeamni hea Sommelonak urponjimni yeunchem mhunn Sommelonachea odhikareamni Konknni mogeank ulo marla.


POILEM KONKNNI (Romi Lipi) SAHITYA ANI SONVSKRUTI SOMMELON- vincy quadrosKonknni (Rimi lipi) Sommelonachi goroz asli? Hoi. Samki goroz asli. Kiteak Konknni bhaxechim zaitim Sommelonam zaleant punn tentun Romi Lipi babtint kednach sarko vichar zalo na. Tentun fokot lokanchea dolleank panam pusunk Romi Lipi vaportli. Tharav gheupa vellar Romi Lipichea nanvan tharav ghetle punn khoimsoruch vapor zalo zaum tika favo to man diunk na. Heach khatir Romi Lipiche proxn aiz meren morgollot urle. Romi Lipintle Borovpi chidd'ddon urle. Tankam koslich dixa mell'li na. Konknni bhaxentlea karyavollimni vo karyaxallamni Romi Lipiche udorgoti khatir kitench zal'lem dixtti poddona. Haka konn zobabdar tem zonn eklean niall'lear zonn ekleakuch zap melltoli. Soglleant vhoddli gozal mhollear Romi Lipintlea borovpeank, vachpeank ani borem magpeank ektthaim haddpacho kednach yotn zalo na. Fatllea don tin vorsant kitle Borovpi utorleat, tankam konnech margdorxon divpacho yotn kelona. Tankam ektthaim haddpacho kednach yotn zalo na. Hanvem kitle pautt ho husko mukhar dovorlo punn konnench mhaka sangat dilo na. Punn aiz Dalgado Konknni Akademin fuddakar ghetla hem Sommelon gheunk. Taka amcho yevkar ani sogllo patthimbo diupache ami utor ditat.

Dalgado Konknni Akademi ani Sommelon:Kedna kedna Dev magonastana dita mhunttat te bhaxen Dalgado Konknni Akademik sorkari onudhan mell'lem. Hacho boro upeg korunk tannim yevjilem ani hem Sommelon aplea budget-ant bosoilem. Dekhun jem Sommelon zatolem taka duddvancho unnav ascho na bogor Romi lipi apli mhunttoleancho unnav disonk xokta. Pois pois aslolea Konknni monxancho unnav disonk xokta. Hea vellar sogllea Romi Lipi vaportoleamni mukhar yevpachi goroz asa. Hem Sommelon zoitvont kelear Konknnicho fuddar anik kitlo porzollit zatolo tem aiz ami sangonant punn kall sangtolo. Dekhun Dalgado Konknni Akademin khas yotn korche poddtole zoim zoim Konknni (Romi Lipi) somaz ximpddon poddlolo asa tankam hea Sommelonak haddunk ani tanchei proxn hatint gheunk. Ami itlench magonk xoktat Dalgad Konknni Akademin ghetlolea nirnnoya fattlean tumi ranvchem ani hem Sommelon zoitvont korchem.

Hem Sommelon koxem ghoddon yetolem?Hem Sommelon ghoddoun haddunk purv-toyari korunk Dalgado Konknni Akademin tig zannanchi somiti vinchun kaddloli. Te tig zann oxe asat : Thomas C. Fernandes, Cosma Fernandes ani Vincy Quadros. Hea tigaimni Moddganv ek boska ghetli ani purv toyari suru keli. Hea vellar Marcos Gonsalves ani Alvaro Gomes-acho sangat mell'lo. Thoinch ek nirnnoy ghetlo ki Sommelon gheunk ek dog zannanchem kam nhoi tor taka xemboramni monis lagtat, vavr khup asta tem tharavpak sogllea vavurpeanchi ek boska zata title begin apunchi. Te promannem Moddganvchea Grace firgorjechea vosreant 31/08/08 disa boska zali ani zaite proxnn bhasabhas kele. Romi lipiche zaite mogi thoim hajir asle ani tannim Dalgado Konknni Akademik margdorxon kelem. Hem Sommelon ghoddoun haddunk somiti nemunk kaim nanvam mukhar ailim. Tancher vichar korunk ani vinchun kaddloleanchi manyotai gheunk DKA somitik odhikar dile.

Te promannem Dalgado Konknni Akademiche Somitichi boska zali ani tannim oxe porim somiti vinchun kaddli : Sommelon Odheokx - Vincy Quadros Yevkar Odheokx - Agnelo Alcasoas, Chittnnis - Tarkeshwar Naik, Adhari Chittnnis Cosma Fernandes, Bhanddari - Thomas C. Fernandes. Her somitiche vangddi ani Sommelon zoitvont korunk je je monis lagtole te vinchun kaddun he somitik odhikar dile. Hem Sommelon Dezembr 20 ani 21 oxe don dis Moddganvchea Ravindra Bhavan-ant choltolem. Hea Sommelonant don mukhel sotram astolim. Poilem sotr sahityacher cheorcha korunk zalear dusrem sotr Konknni sounskruticher cheorcha korunk astolem. Hajir zaupi Konknni mogeanchi kormonnuk korunk khas kariavolli ankpacho tharav ghetlolo asa. Tumchea bhavnancho jerul vichar zatolo ani Konknni bhaxechi Romi Lipi kitli girest asa hachoi soglleank dixttavo zatolo.

Tumchi lagnnuk:Romi lipi Konknnichea itihasant itli vhoddli poilich ghoddnuk zaunk veta tedna protek monxachi lagnnuk tharta tem Sommelon zoitvont korunk. Koxem korunk zata hem Sommelon zoitvont? Ami jedna jedna melltat tedna hea Sommelona babtint bhasabhas korchi. Dezembr 20-21 he don dis Ravindra Bhavan Moddganv ektthaim zaupa khatir dusri koslich kariavoll gheunchi nhoi.

Soglleamni purai patthinbo diuncho. Hea khatir ami veg-veglle gott sodun kaddleat. Veg-vegllea fuddareank mell'leat ani tannim amkam borem utor dilam. Torikui konn tori chukon uronk xokta. Chukon urla taka disonk xokta apnnak zanna zaun bhair dovorla mhunn. Punn toxem kainch na. To zo bhair urla to amchea nennarponnan urla, taka ami aspaun ghetat. Oxe konnui zor monis konnakui mell'le ani tannim mhollem ki Sommelona babtint amkam kainch khobor na zalear amchi kollvollichi vinonti tannem hea pot'tear amche kodden sompork korcho vo ho pot'to tankam diuncho. Sam'melanachi odik mhaiti hanga melltoli : Vincy Quadros, Sommelon Odheokx, Poilem Konkni (Romi Lipi) Sahityik ani Sounskrutik Sommelon, "Snows Krupa" Arlem, Raia, Salcete Goa. Mobile : 9822587498 vo E-mail : konknnivincy at , vincyquadros at Dalgado Konknni Akademi somest Gõykarank ulo marta vhodd sonkhen hajir zaun sorkarak toxench gorje bhair chikol marpi monxak Romi Lipichi amkam kitli goroz asa ti dakhounk. Jem konnem kedna kelem na tem ghoddon yeta tem yoxosvi korunk zai. Sogllea tiatrist bhava-bhoinnamni, boroupeamni toxench zaitea padrimni amkam bore utor dilam. Atam tumchea utrak ravtat. Marlolem panv fattim gheunk lainakat ani hungot asat tankam tondd korun divnakat.

Konknni bhaxent niz Gõykarank zaitem kam' korpachem ani zaitim pakam matheak lavpachim asat. Joi Konknni!


Please inform your friends about the Konkani cultural programme tomorrow and on Sunday organised by the Dalgado Konkani Akademi at the Pai Tiatrist Joao Agostinho Fernandes hall, Ravindra Bhavan, Margao.

The programmes are
Saturday evening, 20 December, 2008
1. 4.30 P.M. Official inauguration [for those interested in the status of Konkani in Goa today]. The CM is scheduled to be the Chief Guest. He was also scheduled to be the Chief Guest at the 42nd Mando festival and Tomazinho Cardoz's book release earlier this month ...but was not there. So if he is not there at the festival, I would not be surprised. The Lok Sabha elections do not worry him so much as his own seat .... and business associates. I would be happy to be proved wrong.
2. 6.30 P.M. onwards Cultural programme/entertainment

Sunday morning, 21 December, 2008
9.30 A.M. Cultural programme
10.00 TALKS on Novels, Poems, Essays.
12 noon Cultural programme
1.00 P.M. Lunch

3.00 P.M. TALKS Education, Tiatr and Youth
5.30 P.M. Valedictory function. Churchill Alemao is the Chief Guest and you can best your last rupee that he will be there. the South Goa Parliamentary seat will be up for grabs in less than six months from now ...and he has his eyes on it for the love of Valanka.

6.30 P.M. Tiatr "Tandellanchem Kestanv" written by Pai Tiatrist Directed by Anil Kumar.

On Saturday we remember the sacrifice of Florian Vaz, the twenty years old boy who was killed by Police at Gogol-Margao this day 22 years ago, 20 Dec. 1986 during the KPA-led Konkani agitation.

I know it is almost Christmas time and everyone is busy, but if you can make the time, do come and encourage the people who have put this programme together ...all for the love of Konkani.

Mog asundi

Miguel Braganza


Konknni khatir zomat kednam?
Agostachea '08 mhoineant Mukhel Montri Digambar Kamatan bhaxechea ani lipivadacher ek kherit zomat ghevn Vidhan Sobhen vatt kaddtolo mhunn sanglolem. Punn aiz meren ti kherit zomat zaunk na. Setembrache 26ver Rajbhas Sonchanalayan ek zomat apoiloli tantum ek Up-somiti ghoddun, bhaxechea ani lipichea vadacher 60 disam tannim riportt divcho mhunn maglolem. Punn te Up-somitichi-i aiz meren zomat zaunk na. Itlench nhoi, Setembrachea mhoineant zalole zomatint Devnagri lipintlean jem kitem chalik laitat tem Romi lipintlean-ui chalik lavchem mhunn Romi lipintlean Konknnichi seva kortoleamni mukhel montrea thaim maglolem. Hajir aslolea Konknni (Devnagri ani Maratti lokanchi he gozlaik kainch addkholl na ti pollevn mukhel montrean te gozalik maneotai diloli. Punn hi gozal te zomatichea 'minutes' khuinch nond keloli mellona. Hi Romi lipicher onit nhoi to anik kitem?
AMONTRONN-Poilem Konkani (Romi Lipi) Shitya ani Sonvskurti Sommelon

Mon Dec 15 20:59:06 PST 2008

AMONTRONN DALGADO KONKNNI AKADEMI puroskrut Poilem Konkani (Romi Lipi) Sahitya ani Sonvskurti Sommelon Pai Tiatrist Joao Agostinho Fernandes Nagar Ravindra Bhavan, Moddganv, Goy (20 ani 21 Dezembr, 2008) Ghorcheam ani ixttam sangata yeunchem.

___ POILO DIS20 Dezembr, 2008 (Son'var) Sanjer 3:30 vorztamSonskrutik Karyvoll 4:30 vaztam* Pursanv Kaddun soireank muzganchea gazacher vosreant vhorp.

* Yeukar Git* Yeukar - Yeukar Odheokx Xri Agnelo Alcacoas.

* Poromporik divlli pettovop* Bhoumancho dobazo* Yadostikechi ugtavnni* Novea Pustokanchi/Kesett/CD-inchi uzvaddavnni*Vavurpi Odheokxachem Uloup - Xri Vincy Quadros.

* Mukhel Uloupi - Pri. Pratap Naik, Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendracho Son'chalek* Manacho Soiro - Xri Mauvin Godinho, Goy Vidhan Sobhescho Up-SobhapotiMukhel Soiro - Goycho Mukhel Montri Digamber Kamat*Yezmanachem uloup - DKA-cho Odheokx Xri Premanand Lotlikar* Upkar - Sommelonacho Chittnis Xri Tarkeshwar Naik Sanjer 6:00 vazttamSonkskruttik Karyavoll ____ DUSRO DIS21 Dezembr, 2008 (Aitar) Sokalim 9:30 vaztamSonskruttik Karyavoll Poillem Sotr: 10:00 tim 12:00 vaztam) Vixoi: ROMI LIPINTLEA KONKNNI SAHITYACHI VATTCHALOdheox - Xri Tomazinho Cartozo "Paper" Manddpi a) Khotha/Kadamboi - Bonaventure D'Pietrob) Kovita - Pandarinath Lotlikarc) Lekh/Lolit Boroup - Dr. (Pri.) Victor Ferrao Sonskrutik Karyavoll Don'parchem 1:00 vaztam: Jevonn Sonskruttik Karyavoll Dusrem Sotr (3:00 tim 5:00 vaztam) Vixoi: KONKNNI SOMAZ: KONKNNI BHAXEK KITLO LAGIM, KITLO POISOdheox - Dr. Nandkumar Kamat 'Paper' Manddpi:a) Xikxonn - Prof. Newman Fernandesb) Tiatrachem Yogdan - Xri Wilson Mazarelloc) Tornnate - Pri. Conceicao D'Silva Tharav Ghevop Xevottacho Dobazo (5:30 vaztam) * Yeukar - Xri Teotonio Pereira, DKA-cho Up-Odheox* Mandun Ghetlole Tharav Vachop.

* Vavurpi Odheox - Xri Vincy Qadros* Mancho Soiro - Dr. Olivinho Gomes, Sahitya Akadamicho Onnkaracho Pursokar manest* Mukhel Soiro - Xri Churchill Alemao, Dhouxik Bandkam Khateacho Montri* Yezman - DKA-cho Odheokx Xri Premanand A. Lotlikar* Upkar - DKA-cho Chittnnis Xri Jose Salvador Fernandes Tiatristanchi Sonvsskruttik Karyavoll:Tiatr: "TANDLANCHEM KESTANV"Boroupi: Pai Tiatrist Sorgest Joao Agostinho FernandesDigdorspi: Anil KumarBhag ghevpi: Konknni machievele nanvoste kolakar

Xri Agnelo Alcacoas Xri Vincy Quadros Xri Premanand A. LotlikarYeukar Odheox Vavurpi Odheox DKA Odheox

- Tumcam Amontronn Kuwait-chea vangddi
gaspar almeida,


The following is the text of a Keynote address delivered by Dr Pratap Naik, S.J. the Director of Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, Alto Porvorim during the opening session (20.12.2008) of First Konkani Literary and Cultural Conference (Roman script) held at Pai Tiatrist hall of Ravindra Bhavan, Margao from 20 to 21 December 2008.

Romi Lipientle Konknnichem Poilem Sahityik ani Sonvskrutik Sommelon
20 - 21 Dezembr 2008

(Mukhel Ulovp)

Pai Tiatirst João Augustinho Fernandes Sal
Moddgão, Gõy

Machier aslololea bhov manestamno, bhavamno ani bhoinnimno,

Tumkam somestank Dev bori sanz dium.

Moddganvchea Pai Tiatirst João Augustinho Fernandes Salant Dalgado Konknni Akademichea fuddarponna khal Az ani faleam Romi lipientlem Konknnichem Poilem Sahityik ani Sonvskrutik Sommelon zata hi khobor fokot amkam mat nhoi punn sogllea Konknni lokak sontosachi ani obhimanachi. Punn aicho dis Konknnichea itihasant dukhacho dis. Kiteak 22 vorsam adim heach disa Konknni bhaxechea chollvolli vellar amchea bhava Floriano Vazak aplo jiv diuncho poddlo. Dusrea disa her so zonnamni aplea jivachem bolidan kelem. Dev tanchea otmeak xanti dium ani tanchea magnnean hem sommelon zoitvont zaum.

Kal ami Gõycho suttkecho dis monoylo. Gõychi suttka zatoch Gõy Moharaxttrant vechem nhoi punn tem vegllem urche khatir opinion pola vellar Romi lipientli Konknni vaporchea lokan purto tenko dil'lo. Haka lagun az Gõychem khaxeleponn urlem. Romi lipientli ani Kon'nodd lipientli Konknni borpavoll ani vavr polleun 1975 vorsa Sahitya Akademin Konknni sahityachi bhas mhonn manytay dili. Nagori lipient tednam bhov thoddi Konknni borpavoll asli. Gõyant chimttibhor borovpi Nagori lipient Konknni boroytale ani tech apli borpavoll vachtale. Tea vellar Gõyant Konknni mhonnlear Romi lipientli Konknni hem sot soglleank khobor aslem. Xiklolo Kristanv lok Purtugez ani Inglix vaportalo. Hindu lok choddso Marathi vachtalo ani boroytalo. Razbhas kaideache chollvollik poixeancho ani lokacho purto tenko konnem dil'lo? Amich. Romi lipientli Konknni vaportoleamni. Konknni chollvolli vellar mar khal'le ani jiv hogddaun ghetlole konnem? Amcheach lokan. Amkam fottoun amchea lokachea bollar apli Konknni ani Nagori lipi Gõychea Razbhas Kaideant aspaun ghetli. Konknni mhonnje Devonagori lipientli Konknni hem vakya Razbhas Kaideant ghalunk laylem. Konknni Gõychi Razbhas zali dekhun Gõyak ghottokrajeacho dorzo mell'lo ani 40 amdarank amcher raz korunk vatt meklli zali. Gham' kaddunk Pavlu ani khaunk mat Panddu hi got itle dis amchi zal'li. Kama purte mama aslolea hannim amche hok nakarle. Punn pattlea chear vorsam pasun amche modlea kaim zonnamni kelolea vavrak lagun Konknnichea mollar novem pan ugtem zaunk laglem. Aichem hem sommelon bhaxe ani lipie mollavoili amchi suttka khunnayta. Itle dis amcho lok Nagori lipiechea ani tantum borounche Konknnichea gulamponnant jiyetalo ani aplem apleponn va osmitay ugtean dakhounk pattim sortalo. Razbhas kaido pas zatoch amcho lok nirxelo. Tankam dislem atam aple Konknnik man ani sthan na.

Sotakuch xevttim zoit mellta hi mhalgoddeanchim sangnni. Hi sangnni aiz khori zaunk laglea. Gõychi suttka zai meren dhove katiche pakle amcher raz choloytale. Gõychi suttka zatoch muttbhor kalle katichea Nagori akantvadeamni amchea iskolamni apli Konknni bhitor rigoun amchea lokak aple bolieche ani Nagori lipieche gulam' kele. Hi tanchi axil'li, naxil'li Xixi Konknni boli ani Nagori lipi tancheach lokan azun mandun gheunk na hem ugddem sot ami visrunk favo na. Tancho lok ekuch Moratthi xikta na zalear Inglix xikta, bhov thodde Konknni xiktat.

Moratthichi bhirant sodam amchea loka modem posravpi hea Nagori akantvadeamni Konknni mollacher Romi lipientle Konknnichi ani Romi lipi vaportolea lokachi sodam nosay kelea ani add paim dileat. Dor eka mollar amcho vavr pusun kaddcho proytn te korit asat. Akantvadi armam gheun bhirant ani akant upzoytat. Nagori akantvadi aplem lipiechem ani Moratthichem arm gheun amcher akant haddtat. "Romi lipiechi magnni tumi korum nakat. Toxem tumi kelem zalear Moratthi Razbhas zatoli ani ek dis Gõy raj Moharaxttrant vetolem ani tumi sanddtoleat. Ami amchi hozar vorsanchi Moratthichi porom'pora soddun dilea. Tumi tumchi fokot 500 vorsanchi porom'pora soddunk kiteak pattim sortat? Romi lipi bhaili. Bhailo vistid Konknnik sobhona ani upkarna. Romi lipientle Konknnik dorzo na, ti zantteank mat zai. Atam tumchim bhurgim Nagori lipient Konknni xiktat ani kai bori amchi Konknni uloytat ani boroytat. Dekhun tumchi Romi lipi soddat ani Nagori gheyat. Ami soglleamni ek zaunk zai na zalear amche modem vantte fantte zatole ani dusman amcho faido uttoytole" osli fottingponnachi bhirant ganvar posravpi he akantvadi amchea lokachi mot chenchaytat ani tankam aple bolieche, sonvskrutiche ani Nagori lipieche gulam' korun dovortat. He akantvadi bhov xanne. Razbhas Kaideant apli Konknni bhitor kaddtana Moratthi bhitor kaddunk te bilkul visrunk nant. Eke khankent tankam apli Konknni zai ani dusre khankent Moratthi zai. Apli cholaki vaprun fokot amchi Romi lipientli Konknni tannim bhair dovorli. Sorkaracheo don Akademio asat. Kala Akademi ani Goa Konknni Akademi. Kala Akademi adim Romi lipientlea borea eka pustokak puroskar ditali. 1987 pasun to puroskar diuncho bon'd korunk laylolo konnem? Sorkaran Romi lipiechea ekleak soit az meren Goa Konknni Akademicho odheokx mhonn nemunk na. Ami Mukhel montrea ani her montream lagim upkar magun soit sorkaran portean he pavtti Romi lipiechea vhoddlea dusmanak ani eka Nagori akantvadeak Goa Konknni Akademicho Odheokx nemla oxi gupit khobor aikunk yeta. Romi lipi vaporcho monis nemcho nhoi mhonn sorakaracher cheponn haddpi konn? Amchea tonddar Romi lipiek sorkaracho sogllo tenko mellunk zai mhonn godd godd sangpi pattlean amkam kitench diunchem nhoi mhonn amdarank ani montreank sangun pattlean amkam suri toppi konn? Hech Nagori akantvadi. 35% Gõykarank lipiechea nanavan bhair uddounchi va bhair dovorchi hi tanchi fituri visavea xekddeantli Gõyantli vhoddli fituri oxem ami mhonnli zalear amchi chuk kiteak zata?

Amkam tannim Romivadi mhonn hinnsayle, amche vatter kantte tannim ghale, addkholli ubeo keleo. Razhas kaido pas zaunche adim sorkara thavn Romi lipiek mellche puroskar ani her suvidha tannim bon'd korunk layleo. Aryan kull, Sonvskrut bhas, Nagori lipi ani apli zat povitr, unch ani bori hem bamonnvadachem aplem zan'vem dusreanchea golleant ghalunk te ratdis vavurtat. Bamonnvad mhonnje bamonnancho vad nhoi. Bamonnvad hem ek ghatmari chintop. Aplem mhonnlolem sogllem borem, unchlem, dusreanchem mat vaitt, sokoilea panvddeachem hea chintpak bamonnvad mhonntat. Ek bhas, ek lipi, ek sahitya ani ek somaz hem bamonnxayechem Nazi totv Konknni sonvsarant vistarchem misanv tanchem. Amche modlea kaim zonnank machiechi va podvechi axa dakhoun ani thoddeank tanche zaticho ugddas korunk laun tanche vatten voddun gheun vichitr nanvachi vichitr sonvstha ghoddoun haddun amchea loka modem futt ghalchem noxttem kam' tannim kelam. Tanchea hea chintpak amche modle dolle asun kudd'dde, kan asun bhere, tondd asun mone zal'le kaim menddre bolli poddleat. Nosayen bhorlolea kallkachea hea puzareank az har apnnaunchi poddlea.

Ekunnisavea ani visavea xekddeantlo Asaganvcho Fr. Sebestião Dalgado Konknni zannkar ani Sonvskrut ponddit. Konknnichi lipi Nagori aschi hem tachem chintop aslem. Konknni - Purtugez dikxonorint tannem Nagori ani Romi lipeo vaporleo. Punn uprant tachench chintop tannem pallunk na. Tachem urlolem sogllem borovp Romi lipient tannem kelem ani chhapun haddlem. Hi sot khobor zanna asun soit he bamonnxay posravpi kallkache puzari amkam hinnsaun sangtat ami khoim Dalgadachem nanv vaprun tachim totvam pallinastana tachea nanvacho vaitt vapor kortanv. Hea kallkachea puzareank az ami spostt sangunk zai, "Papiamno, Dalgadachea nanvan xoboy ghalum nakat. Dalgado xanno monis aslo. Taka aplem chukichem chintop kollun ailem, dekhun tannem Nagori lipi bhair marli ani Romi lipi apnnayli. Haka lagun tachi Konknni borpavoll sonvsarbhor lokak vachunk mell'li ani Konknnicho bavtto tannem sonvsarbhor uboylo. Tumchea Xennoy bhaxen Nagori lipich vengoun to boslolo zalear az taka fokot Gõyant mat muttbhor lokuch vollkota aslo. Dalgadan 100 vorsam adinch apnnem zaun bhair marlolem tachem chintop gheun, tea chintpachi topi amchea mathear ghalunk tumi atam amkam tachea nanvan fottaxeo sangum nakat. Tumkam zai zalear tumi Nagori lipiechi topi korun tumchea matheak ghalun bhonvat na zalear tacho valo korun bhenddak bandat. Amchi kaim addkholl na. Sorkaracho kitench tenko nastana itlim vorsam ami amchi Konknni samball'lea ani ti vaddoylea. Tumkam dhir ani takot aslear sorkaracho duddu gheunche bon'd korat. Fokot tumchea bollar tumchi Konknni ani Nagori lipi 50 vorsam choloun dakhoyat. Himmot asa zalear hem poilem korat ani magir tumchim xapotam amkam sangat".

"Ami paxiens kaddpi xant gunnache monis. Hacho orth oso nhoi sodam kall ami onit sosun tumche gulam' ravtole. Atam amkam zag ailea ani tumcho rag aila. Ami tumkam bott dilem. Tumi amcho hat gill'lo. Atam tumi amkam akhkhe gillunk sodtat. Tumchea pasantli ani ghasantli ami amchi suttka korun ghetlea. He fuddem amche bhaxecho bavtto amchea hatant gheun ticho fuddar ami tharoytoleanv ani ghoddoytoleanv. Tumchi vatt tumkam dovrun amchi vatt sodun kaddun tantlean ami choltoleanv. Atam tumi amkam addavunk sokche nant. Kiteak tumche dis sompleat. Tumchim tim ddhongi nattkam tuminch khellchim poddtolim ani tuminch tim polleunchi poddtolim. Itle dis tumi amkam, tumchea mon bhulopi godd godd utramni fosoyle ani amchea ghamachem rogot piyeun tumi dis kaddle. Tumkanch lagun tumchi Konknni fuddem geli na va amchi Konknni fuddem vochunk tumi soddli na. Ekvottachea nanvan tumchea kopotti zallant ami xirkoleanv ani ghusmottun urleanv. Tumchea gulamponnantli suttka atam ami korun ghetlea. He fuddem tumchea angnnant ami fugddi ani dekhnni nachchenanv. Konknni mollar itle dis tumi choloyl'lem bhattkarponn atam somplem. Konknniche munddkar ami, atam tumchea dolleam mukhar bhattkar koxe bhonvtoleanv ani tumi amcher ghal'leo boliecheo, lipiecheo ani her sanklli toddun moddun suttkechi jinn ami zogtoleanv. Atam amche vatter durgam ubim korum nakat. Az pasun tumche vatte poros amchi vatt veglli astoli. Kiteak tumi amche vangdda naslech. Tumi fokot tumchea svartha khatir amcho faido kaddun ghetlo. Usaros piyetoch chivddam bhair martat toxem tumchem kam' zatoch tumi amcho ghat kelo."

Ixttamno, aichem hem sommelon mhonnlear amkam chepun dovorlolea amchea dusmananchea tonddar ami marlolem zoitache suttkechem ek sonnsonnit thapott. Punn visrum nakat hi fokot amchea zoitachi survat, xevott nhoi. Zoitachea sontosan ami az varear ubot ravunk favo na. Amche paim zomnir tenkun thonddsannen mukhli vatt ami sodchi poddtoli. Tache adim amche ixtt konn ani dusman konn hachi ami khatri kel'li bori. Gõyant Purtugez yeunche adim hanga lok Konknni uloitalo. Punn dharmik sahitya ani her borpavoll Moratthint zatali. Dekhun sollavea sotravea xekddeantlea Fransiskon ani Jezvit padrimni Kristanv loka khatir dharmik podya borpavoll Moratthint boroyli ani godya borpavoll Konknnint boroyli. Tonddar Konknni punn vachtana ani boroytana Moratthichi porom'pora adim pasun hanga asloli ti atam-i chaluch asa. Moratthi amchea Hindu bhavanchi ani bhoinninchi dhormachi bhas. Hem sot ami visrunk favo na. Gõyant Moratthi vachtolim ani boroytolim amchim dusmanam kedinch nhoi. Tannim amche Konknnik ani Romi lipiek virod kednanch korunk na. Ullttench zalear Konknni mhonnlear Romi lipientli Konknni hem tim sangot aileant. Romi lipiek sorkari tenko ani odhikrut manytay mellunk virod korpi konn? Nagori lipi vaportoleam modle fokot muttbhor akantvadi ani tanchea zomeant bhorti zal'le amche modle kaim dedd xanne. Ami kednanch Nagori lipi naka mhonnunk na va tika virod korunk na. Itlem asun soit te kiteak amkam virod kortat? Zap sompi asa. Amchea ghamar te fuddari zale, tannim nanv zoddlem, puroskar ghetle, KPA vellar lokache duddu ani uprant sorkarache lakhamni duddu aplea bolsant ghale ani hem duddu bhitor ghalchem kam' chaluch asa. Romi lipientle Konknnik, sorkaran tenko dilo zalear apnnak mellta tem chukot ani Romi lipientli Konknnich fulot ravun Gõychi razbhas zatoli ani hanchi bamonnxayechi Xixi Konknni ek dis sompot hi tankam bhirant laglea. Nagrintli Konknni fokot loka thavn sorkarak melltolea duddvancher bendor koxi dis kaddta. He duddu mellche bon'd zale zalear hech Nagori akantvadi Moratthiche kuxin uddi martole ani apunn sodanch Moratthiche bhokt asle hem ddhong korun dakhoytole. Konknnichea nanvan xoboy ghaltana tannim azun Moratthi soddunk na. Te azun Moratthi vachtat, boroytat, tantle puroskar soit ghetat ani devosponn fokot tech bhaxent kortat. Fokot amkam Romi lipientli Konknni soddunk te xapotam sangtat. Apli Xixi Konknni amcher thapun, porot ek pavttim bhaxechea ani sonvskrutichea mollar te amkam battaunk sodtat ani sodam kall tanche savllent dovrunk polletat. Hi tanchi fituri amchea sadea ani bhollea lokak somzona.

Amchea desant thoim hanga akantvadi hol'le kortat ani niroporadhi lokacho jiv kaddtat hem ami zannanv. Hea akantvadeank ekuch dhortat va marun uddoytat va te pollun vetat. Punn Konknni mollavele Nagori akantvadi veglleach prokarache. Tanchim hatiaram mhonnlear apli boli, Nagori lipi, podvi ani cholaki. Him hotiaram vaprun, te Konknnichea mollar jitlo faido asa, to fokot apnna bhitor vanttun ghetat. Konknnichea mollar jitle sorkari zage asat title apnnak te melloun ghetat. Apunn masache kuddke khatana avaz uttoytoleank haddache kuddke uddoytat ani tanchim tonddam bon'd kortat. Hea Nagori akantvadeank sompounk ani tanche hol'le thambounk ami atam ekktaim yeunchi ani vavr korchi goroz. Mukhlim pavlam ami dhiran ani ekkvottan marchim poddtolim. He nodrentlean kaim suchovnneo tumche mukhar manddtam:

1. Ami Konknni monis. Hem amchem apleponn ani vhoddponn. Sonvsarant khoincheay somudayacho lok apli avoybhas ulounk lozona. Fokot Gõyant apnnak Gõykar mhonnpi amich Konknni ulounk loztanv. Konknni mhonnlear renderanchi, poderanchi, kharveanchi, kumbaranchi, moddvollanchi, thovoyanchi, chakranchi, munddkaranchi, tiatristanchi ani sokoilea lokachi bhas oslem chukichem chintop Gõyant azun asa. Hea chintpachea gulam'ponnantle ami bhair yeunk asa. He fuddem obhimanan amchea ghoramni ani Konknni mon'xam lagim, fokot Konknni uloytoleanv ho thir nichev az ami korum-ia. Amchi bhas ami uloynanv zalear ani ti ulounchi ani ti voir kaddchi konnem? Her rajeam thaun yeun Gõyant vosti kortolea kamgar lokak ami ghantti hem utor vaportanv. Hem utor ami vaporchem nhoi, kiteak tantlean amchi seva korpi dubllea lokak ami dukhoytanv. Tem utor vaprunkuch zai zalear az pasun tem utor ami oxem vaporum-ia. Jim konn apunn Gõykar mhonntat, Gõyant zolmoleant ani Gõyantuch jiyetat punn Konknni ulounk toyar nant ani aplea ghorant Purtuges va Inglix tastat tankam ami ghantti mhonnum-ia. Tankam amchi manachi machi diunchi naka. Jim konn sobhemazar obhimanan apli Konknni, zaundi ti Saxttichi, Bardeschi, va dusri khoinchi-i Konknni boli uloytat tankanch ami amche machier bosunk zago dium-ia. Potta khatir ami Inglix ani her bhaso xikum-ia. Konknni amchea kallzachi bhas mhonntoch tika amchea ghorachi ranni korum-ia.

2. Konknni uloylearuch pavona. Ti ami vachchi ani thoddi tori borounchi goroz asa. Romi lipient uzvaddak yeunchim kaim nemallim asat. Tim ami vachum-ia. Hantlean amchi Konknni sudartoli. Nemallim choloytoleanchi umed ami vaddoytoleanv ani tankam amcho adar diunk pavtoleanv. Ho kall inttornettacho ani i-meilacho. Inttornettar ami Konknni vaporlear ti sonvsarbhor lokak pavta. Ek gozal ami ugddas dovorloli bori. Romi lipi fokot Kristanvanchi ani Gõykaranchich nhoi. Ti sogllea sonvsarachi lipi. Tika jatkat, dhorm lagona. Romi hi ekuch lipi, sogllea Konknni lokak ektthaim haddunk ani dovrunk sokta. Nagori akantvadi aple lipie vixim kitlim-i xapotam sangum, ti lipi azun lokamogall zaunk na ani he fuddem zaunchi na. Sahitya Akademi ani Jnanpitth puroskar mell'lolea Konknni borovpeanchi pustokam khoponant dekhun heach vorsa Otubr mhoineant tim Ponnje bos sttenddar bhiknnam viktat toxim sopeancher posrun zaiti sutt diun vikunk dovorlolim. Itlem korun soit thoddinch pustokam vikun gelim. Nagori pustokam poros bhiknnank Gõyant chodd khop asa hantum dubav na. Nagori lipientle Konknnik Gõyant ani Gõyam bhair fuddar na. Kerollant Konknni borounk kaim bamonn, Molyallom' lipi vaportale. Uprant tannim Gõychi dekh gheun Nagori ghetli. Atam Kerollant Konknni melea ani Konknni lok mat jivo asa! Tannim apli Molyallom' lipi chalu dovorloli zalear hi got tancher yeunchi nasli. Hi got amchea Gõyant zaunk favo na. Amkam bhas gorjechi, lipi nhoi. Lipi fokot bhaxechem bhailem ek nhesonn. Bhaxe khatir lipi asa. Lipie khatir bhas na hem sot ami somzun gheum-ia. Lipiek lagun Gõyant amchi Konknni morunk ami diunchi naka.

3. 2007 vorsa pasun Kornattokantlea Konknni lokan lokxay rit vaprun aple Konknnichi lipi Kon'nodd ho tharav ghetlo ani iskolamni tannim sove klaxi thaun apli Konknni Kon'nodd lipient xikounk suru kelea. Hea vorsa 101 iskolamni thoim Konknni xikoytat. Hantlim 4 sorkari iskolam soddlim zalear urlolim 96 iskolam Kristanvanchi. Thoinche chear Nagori bokdde ani hangache chaer menddre ektthaim zale ani Kornattokachea sorkaracher tannim dobav ghalun iskolamni Nagori lipich Konknnichi lipi korunk pollelem. Punn Eric Ozario hachea fuddarponna khal lokan tem korunk soddlem na. Atam Kornattokant Konknni Kon'nodd lipient va zai zalear Nagori lipient xikounk zata. Pustokam ani bhas mat veglli. Nagori zai mhonn thoim bobo ghaltoleamni aple eke xallent soit azun Konknni xikounk suru korunk na! Romi lipientli Konknni iskolamni ek vixoy mhonnun xikounk suru korunk sorkara lagim, xikxonn khatea lagim ani iskolanchea vhoddilam lagim ami magnni korcho vell pavla. Ho suyog ami soddunk favo na. Hea sommelona vellar hacher kholayen vichar zaunk zai. Sindhi bhas Farsi-Arbi lipent ani Nagori lipent iskolamni xikunk mellta. Tosloch hok amkam Gõyant mellunk zai ani to veginch melloun gheunchi zobabdari amchi soglleanchi.

4. Gõychem khaxelponn urunk Konknni zai. Konknni urunk Romi lipi ani te lipientli Konknni gorjechi. Amchea eka kovin mhonnlam:

"Konknni mayek vivid lipio
Ticheo teo sobit saddio.
Ekuch lipi, tuji boli
Dusreancher thapunk vexi
Tuji lipi urtoli
Konknni mat mortoli."

Mhonntoch Gõyant Konknni fulunk, Razbhas Kaideant Nagori lipiek jitleo suvidha ani odhikrut zago asa titloch man ani zago Romi lipiek sorkaran vegim diunk nettan ami vavr korchi goroz. Rajkaronni amkam utor ditat ani uprant fottoytat. Machier choddtoch te Romi lipie khatir tannim kitem kelam tachi volleri te amkam rongoun sangtat. Ami veginch Romi lipiek hem ditoleanv ani tem kortoleanv osleo fottaxi te martat ani ami tancher visavas dovrun tankam tallio martanv. Amkam atam tanchim fokot pokim utram nakat. Tancher ami patieun ravunk zaina. Fottaxeo marunk ani virod partik taschea kamant te ekdom' huxar. Romi lipiek sorkaran kitem adar dium yeta tem ami jerul korun ghetoleanv mhonn te amkam portun portun sangtat ani ghanneak bandlolea boila bhaxen te amkam ghunvddaytat. Amche Konknni khatir kitem korunk asa tem tannim poilem korun dakhounchem ani magir tankam ami tallio marum-ia.

Itlem asun soit atam meren khoincheach amdaran va montrean korunk naslem amchem kam' atanchea mukhel montrean thoddem tori kelam. Romi lipie vixim thoddem tori borem mon tannem dakhoylam hantum dubav na. Punn tannem amche khatir azun zaitem korchem urlam. Soglleank visvasant gheun bhaxecho prosn apunn soddoytolom hem utor tannem pattle vidhan sobhent dil'lem. Punn azun kaim zal'lem dixtti poddona. Az Mukhel montri hanga mukhel soiro mhonn hajir asa. Tache kodde az ami portun eka avazan magum-ia: "Amkam sorkarachi va konnaichi bhik naka, kakllut naka, upkar nakat ani favor nakat. Ami he Gõyche bhuinchim bhurgim. He bhuint amkam zago asa ani hok asat. Amkam Razbhas kaideant, amchea hokacho soman dorzo vegim diyat ani amcher Nagori akantvadeamni ani amdaramni kel'li onit sasnnachi kaddun uddoyat. Amche matient amchi maim-bhas samballunk ani ti fulounk tumi amkam tumche hat diyat ani ami tumkam amcho hat ditolim. Na zalear fuddle venchnnuke vellar kitem korunk zai tem ami tharaytolim ani amcho hok ami zhuzun jikun ghetolim. Lokxayent lokachi takot soglleant vhoddli hem tumi visrum nakat.

Gõychea mhojea bhavamno ani bhoinnimno, xevttim tumkam itlench sangtam. Uttat. Zagim zayat. Itlea vorsanchi tumchi nid, allsay ani susegadponn soddun diyat. Tumchea ghorant Nagori akantvadeamni aplem ghott pennem kelam ani tumkam tumcheach ghorantlim bhair ghalun tumchem ghor aplench korunk te manddnni kortat. Tumchea hokam khatir, tumche Konknni khatir, Romi lipie khatir avaz uttoyat. Ho dis tumcho. Oslo dis porot tumkam mellchona. Az, vhoi azuch eka monan ani eka avazan tumkam nit magat ani ti mellosor ekvottan vavrat ani goroz poddlear chollvoll suru korat. Na zalear tumchi Romi lipientli Konknni Gõyant somptoli ani tiche vinnem tumchem apleponn ani Gõykarponn sasnnak na zatolem. Hem vaitt tumkam zal'lem zai va naka? Zoitacho bavtto tumchi vatt rakta. To apnnayat ani dusmanank haroyat. Tumcho fuddar tumche bhaxecher ani lipiecher asa. Dekhun tumche bhaxe ani lipie khatir avaz uttoyat. Tumcho fuddar fokot tumchea hatant asa.

Romi lipientle Konknnik zoi, zoi.

Tumkam somestank Dev Borem Korum.

Dr. Pratap Naik, S.J.
Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
Alto Porvorim, Gõy - 403 521


The following is a part of the text of a Keynote address delivered by Dr Pratap Naik, S.J. the Director of Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, Alto Porvorim during the opening session (20.12.2008) of First Konkani Literary and Cultural Conference (Roman script) held at Pai Tiatrist hall of Ravindra Bhavan, Margao from 20 to 21 December 2008.

"Paulo sweats for Pandu's fest" is the story of Konkani after the
Official Language Act, 1987, was enacted. Those who write Konkani in
Roman script are terrorized with fears of being swamped by the
Marathi-wadis or of merger with Maharashtra or being de-nationalised
by English, while those who write Konkani in Devangri script
conveniently send their children to Marathi or English medium primary
schools. Such is their duplicity.

Principal Newman Fernandes, the former Principal of St. Xavier's
College, Mapusa, speaks on education tomorrow afternoon. He knows all
too well the risks of being outspoken, but dares to speak his mind.
After all, no one lives forever ...and one's career is even shorter.
Perhaps, no other Principal has acheived as much in the academic
progression of college education in Goa as him in recent years. He was
from a different mould altogether. May he live long and prosper where
ever he chooses to be.

Truth Triumphs or so say the two words on our National Emblem:
"Satyameva Jayate" . Fr. Pratap Naik SJ, the Director of the Society
of Jesus managed Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, has the audacity to
speak the Truth in a public forum. May his tribe increase.

Mog asundi


Romi lipientle Konknnichem Poilem Sahityik ani Sonvskrutik Sommelon
20 -21 Dezembr 2008

Tumkam somestank Dev bori sanz dium.

Moddganvchea Pai Tiatirst João Augustinho Fernandes Salant Dalgado
Konknni Akademichea fuddarponna khal Az ani faleam Romi lipientlem
Konknnichem Poilem Sahityik ani Sonvskrutik Sommelon zata hi khobor
fokot amkam mat nhoi punn sogllea Konknni lokak sontosachi ani
obhimanachi. Punn aicho dis Konknnichea itihasant dukhacho dis.
Kiteak 22 vorsam adim heach disa Konknni bhaxechea chollvolli vellar
amchea bhava Floriano Vaz-ak aplo jiv diuncho poddlo.

Kal ami Gõycho suttkecho dis monoylo. Gõychi suttka zatoch Gõy
Moharaxttrant vechem nhoi punn tem vegllem urche khatir opinion pola
vellar Romi lipientli Konknni vaporchea lokan purto tenko dil'lo. Haka
lagun az Gõychem khaxeleponn urlem. Romi lipientli ani Kon'nodd
lipientli Konknni borpavoll ani vavr polleun 1975 vorsa Sahitya
Akademin Konknni sahityachi bhas mhonn manyatay dili. Nagori lipient
tednam bhov thoddi Konknni borpavoll asli. Gõyant chimttibhor borovpi
Nagori lipient Konknni boroytale ani tech apli borpavoll vachtale.
Tea vellar Gõyant Konknni mhonnlear Romi lipientli Konknni hem sot
soglleank khobor aslem.
Nagori lipi Gõychea Razbhas Kaideant aspaun ghetli. Konknni mhonnje
Devonagori lipientli Konknni hem vakya Razbhas Kaideant ghalunk
laylem. Gham' kaddunk Pavlu ani khaunk mat Panddu hi got itle dis
amchi zal'li. Kama purte mama aslolea hannim amche hok nakarle.
Punnpattlea chear vorsam pasun amche modlea kaim zonnamni kelolea
vavraklagun Konknnichea mollar novem pan ugtem zaunk laglem. Aichem
hem sommelon bhaxe ani lipie mollavoili amchi suttka khunnayta. Itle
dis amcho lok Nagori lipiechea ani tantum borounche Konknnichea
gulamponnant jiyetalo ani aplem apleponn va osmitay ugtean dakhounk
pattim sortalo. Razbhas kaido pas zatoch amcho lok nirxelo.
Tankamdislem atam aple Konknnik man ani sthan na.Sotakuch xevttim zoit
mellta hi mhalgoddeanchim sangnni. Hi sangnni aiz khori zaunk laglea.

Tumkam somestank Dev Borem Korum.

Dr. Pratap Naik, S.J.
Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
Alto Porvorim, Gõy – 403 521


Related items from the archives:
From Sanjay Borkar in Margao for Daijiworld News Network - Goa

Margao, Jul 8, 2008: South Goa MP Churchill Alemao has demanded that the government should pass a Bill of amendment to the Official Language Act so as to recognize Konkani in Roman script therein along with Devanagri, in the coming assembly session.

Romi script is the backbone of Konkani language. Most of the Goans use Romi script to write, and also Romi script has played a major role in tiatr field. But they are always sidelined. They are not getting the facilities and schemes, which Devnagari writers get. To preserve Konkani in the state, Romi script should be included in the Official language. It is a today’s need, said Alemao, while addressing a press conference in a city hotel.
Alemao also told that under the banner of 'Konkanni Porjecho Awaz’ they will hold the meetings to chalk out plans if the government failed to meet their demand of giving equal status to Romi script along with Devnagri.
Alemao also promised that he would take further steps to have Konkani language introuduced for official work in Goa.
Dalgado Konknni Akademi president Wilson Mazarello also demanded that equal status should be given to Romi script along with Devnagri.
"A hundred years ago, nobody was writing in Devnagri script. Four hundred years ago Pali script was used to write in Konkani. Also the Romi script has the history of 400 years. Today Goans mostly use Romi script to write not Devnagri, for which we want the government should give equal status to Romi script along with Devnagri," said advocate Radharao Gracias.
Romi script can unify all the Konkani people who stay across India, as most of the people use Romi script, advocate Gracias further said.
Pratap Naik and eminent artistes of Tiatr field were present at the press conference, who reiterated that the government should give equal status to Romi script along with Devnagri, for the betterment and development of Konkani language.

From: godfrey gonsalves
To: Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter / Gaspar Almeida

FIRST KONKNNI (rOMAN SCRIPT) Literary and Cultural convention begins

The first day of the two day Konknni *Roman script" Literary and
Cultural Convention organised by the Dalgado Konknni Akademi got of to
a start at 1540 hrs with Prince Jacob and his troupe regaling the just
less than two third audience that had gathered at the " Pai Tiatrist
- Joao Agostinho Fernandes - nagar " 1150 a/c auditorium . Wilmix and
Sharon too contributed to the cultural programme.

This was followed by a welcome song by the Pilar choir,
Floral tribute was paid to late Floraino Vaz who died on this date in 1986.

The souvenir Yadostik was released on the ocassion at the hands of CM
Digambar Kamat. There were two other books "Salkam" by Pio Esteves and
another "Ghons" by Vincy Quadros.

Short of any talk on amendment of the official language to include Romi lipi
the CM stated that he had fulfilled most of the demands of the Romi
protoganists viz; naming the 1150 A.C indoor auditorium after Pai
Tiatrist , the grant of 15 lacs to the Dalgado Konknni Akademi and now
recently the Tiatr Academy which will be functional in January 2009.
and then left the auditorium

Others who spoke were Vincy Quadros Working President of the
Convention and DKA President.
The awardees were 1 Octavio Rodrigues - for culture, 2Cursinho Pinho -
Konknni writer, 3 Amelia Dias - folk art, 4 Patrick Dourado Tiatr and
5.Enclidas de Elly - writer Cine Times.

The speaker who won thunderous applause from the audience was Dr (Fr)
Pratap Naik Director TSKK who termed the nagri proponents of Konknni
as "terrorist" and called upon the Goans to take pride in their own
language lest they be considered as "Ghattis"

This was followed by a Tiatr of Prince Jacob.

Prominent among those who atttended were Dr Francisco Colaco Mr
Teotonio Pereira ex MLA. Surprisingly niether Agnelo Alcasoas the
committee member nor the Dy Speaker Mr Mauvin Godinho were present.

from the Pai Tiatrist nagar

+91 98221 58584 (24 HRS)



Today Goa is a full fledged state because it has a distinct language, KONKANI. The recognition of the language in 1975 by the Sahitiya Akademi was made easy by the collection of books written by Reginald Fernandes, Bonaventure D'Pietro, Xenoi Goembab and others in Roman script, and by Chafra and others in Kannada script. However, the recognition of Konkani as the "Official Language" of the then Union Territory of Goa, Daman & Diu, came at a heavy price of life and property. Floriano Vaz was perhaps the biggest casualty.

The people of Goa remembered the sacrifice of Florian Vaz, the twenty years old boy who was killed by Police at Gogol-Margao this day 22 years ago, 20 Dec. 1986 during the KPA-led Konkani agitation. DKA President garlanded the photo of Florian Vaz in the presence of the Chief Minister of Goa, Shri Digamber Kamat. Formewr Speaker of Goa Assembly and DKA's IPP, Tomazinho Cardoz was there. So was the out-going Vice President of Goa Konkani Academy, Dr. Tanaji Halarnkar. Shridhar Kamat of KBM, Author-Editors Yusuf Shaikh [former Station Director of AIR and DD], Pandarinath Lotlikar, Ashok Chodankar [winner of first KMFV Puroskar], Daniel D'Souza [winner of second KMFV Puroskar], Dr. Francisco Colaco and others were present.
On the same day, the Panjimites Wefare Society organised a Konkani music evening at Azad Maidan, Panaji-Goa, where the Martyrs Memorial and the Memorial of TB Cunha are located.
If the sound of gunfire tormented Florian Vaz on this day 22 years ago, may his soul find peace in the music and the songs sung in the language he died for, Konkani.

Mog asundi

Miguel Braganza

Tiatrists keeping fingers crossed over Tiatr Academy
19 December 2008

The state government has decided to set up a tiatr academy with an initial grant of Rs 15 lakh.
This decision has given some recognition to the Goan tiatr, but there is a mixed feeling among tiatrists and many are keeping their fingers crossed over this decision as they are skeptical about its outcome.
Goan tiatr has a history of 116 years. Prior to this the Zagor and Khell were quite popular. This art form was mostly prevailing in North and South Goa respectively.
However, on 27th April 1892, a young 27 year-old lad from Assagao in Bardez, Mr Lucasinho Rebeiro staged a Konkani translation Italian Bhurgo of a popular Italian opera at that time.
Though Mr Rebeiro staged this first tiatr at New Alfred Theatre in Bombay it was a mere translation.
It was only after Mr Joao Agostinho Fernandes from Margao, known as Pai Tiatrist staged his original script penned down entirely by him with the name Sundori Cabelchi that the Goan Konkani tiatr in its unique art form began its journey.
Various stage artists who surfaced on the Konkani stage from time to time shone not only at the state level but even at the international level. Tiatr was taken to each and every corner of the world by these tiatrists.
It was in 1956 that khell tiatr or non-stop tiatr came into existence. Like films there is no retake here therefore a stage actor has to be thorough with his or her dialogues as he is to deliver them live on stage in front of an audience.
This art form has been plagued with various difficulties and there was a plea from the tiatrists to the government to declare this as a small scale industry. Some tiatrists are happy that to some extent the present Digambar Kamat-led government has ?shown some interest for the betterment of the tiatr but some are quite skeptical about the decision and are keeping their fingers crossed.
It is a welcome step, many say while for others it is something that will be known only when it becomes a reality.
The Goan tiatr has always been getting a raw deal from successive governments inspite of the tiatrists facing a lot of hardship.
Staging a drama for there hours in our Goan halls which sometimes do not have proper infrastructure and to take these dramas to villages is not a child’s play as big costs are involved. Yet some of these shows sometimes cross a century.
We are glad that atleast now the government has given some recognition to Goan tiatr by deciding to set up a tiatr academy.
This is a welcome move and should help the tiatr in the long run, felt Mr Tomazinho Cardozo pointing out that even youngsters would now get a boost to join tiatr.
He, however, felt that even financially some solace should be given to the tiatrists.
Veteran stage actress and director of TACT Theatre and Cultural Training Institute that has its centre in Margao and trains youngsters to join tiatr, Ms Sharon Mazarello expressed her happiness as well as her reservation about the move.
We have been told that a tiatr academy will be formed, but when it will be formed and in what way it benefits tiatr is what is left to be seen. We do not want lip service but some concrete action. Promises have always been made to develop tiatr but nothing has happened in reality she regretted.
Ms Mazarello felt that only when the tiatr academy is actually formed would it speak of the government’s commitment to the language of Konkani and hoped that the decision would be a reality soon.
She is coincidently involved with her first Konkani film production. Many tiatrists have concurred with the views of Ms Mazarello saying that some years back a Congress Cultural Cell under the leadership of former Navelim MLA Mr Luisinho Faleiro was formed to work for the development of the tiatr and Konkani films but nothing really worked out. Popular King of Centuries Mr Roseferns says that he had always been demanding a tiatr academy and a small scale industry status for Konkani tiatr but the latest government move of formation of tiatr academy though a good move was not taken by taking them into confidence.
We were completely in the dark neither do we know when the academy will actually be formed or who will be its members . Finally it should work for the welfare of Goan tiatr. Therefore what we can do now is only hope that it will serve the right cause.
(The Navhind Times)


Konkani Tiatr Academy to be formed in Jan: CM

The two-day first Konknni Romi Lipi Sahitya and Sonvskruti Sammelan got underway at the Ravindra Bhavan here on Saturday, with Chief Minister, Digambar Kamat expressing Government’s firm support and commitment to literature and writers in Konkani in Roman script and announced formation of the Konkani Tiatr Academy next month.
After inaugurating the two-day sammelan at a glittering function organized by Dalgado Konknni Akademi, the Chief Minister it is the duty of the Government to support and encourage writers, artistes pursuing literature and culture in Roman script.
“I sincerely feel that people who write in Romi script need encouragement”, he said and reminded the audience that the Government has officially cleared and completed formalities to set up a Konkani Tiatr Academy.
Reassuring that the Government would extend all support to writers and literature in Konkani in Romi script, Kamat said this is one reason behind the Government’s decision to allocate Rs 15 lakh financial grant to Dalgado Konknni Akademi so that writers get the much-needed financial assistance in the field of literature.
Admitting that there was a feeling of injustice amongst Konkani writers in Romi script, the Chief Minister said it is the duty of the Government to support and encourage writers to produce the best literary works.
“When many people including office bearers of Dalgado Konkani Akademi came to me with many demands, including the demand to name the AC auditorium hall after Pai Tiatrist Joao Agostinho Fernandes, I agreed with the demand”, he said.
In his key note address, convenor of Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendra, Fr Pratap Naik demanded rightful place for Konkani in Romi script on par with Konkani in Devnagiri script. “We do not want any favour from the Government, but our rightful place on par with Devnagiri. Our politicians should give us our rightful place or else the people will take a right decision in the next elections”, he warned.
Saying that Chief Minister, Digambar Kamat has shown his interest to encourage Konkani in Romi script, Fr Naik said a lot needs to be done by the Chief Minster and reminded Kamat of his assurance to take everyone into confidence to solve the language row.
At the outset, a Konkani entertainment program was staged by Prince Jacob, which was well received by the audience.
President of the Sammelan Vincy Quadros welcomed, while President of Dalgado Konkani Akademi Premanand Lotlikar also spoke.

REGINA FERNANDES - 100th Death Anniversary

Fri Dec 19 05:28:49 PST 2008

The 100th death anniversary, of Regina Fernandes (native of Raia )wife of "Pai Tiatrist" Joao Agostinho Fernandes, Modsai, Behind Holy Spirit Church, Margao Goa is on 30th December, 2008 according to family members, who informed this writer.

The family will offer a Mass in her memory at the Holy Spirit Church at 0800 hrs on 30/12/2008.

It may be recalled that late Regina was the first woman to act on stage, on 22/11/1904 at a time when no lady would dare venture on stage due to social ostracisation. Incidentally even the Marathi stage did not have a woman on stage at that time. Her husband who created many firsts in the Konknni tiatros, desired to break the traditional shackles of society and therefore he cajoled and convinced Ms Regina to dare all and she did. This was indeed a proud moment for every Goan in Mumbai. Later her sister too followed suit. Otherwise it was the trend to have men dorn the role of women. It is unfortunate that till this date niether the tiatr fraternity nor the State Government of Goa has recognised this unique achievement of this women who died at a very young age. Incidentally the family of " Pai tiatrist" had instituted a prize money of Rs.1000/- and a momento which was indeed awarded to the upcoming female actor from Merces during the X tiatr competition held by Vandana Productions Borim Goa It is therefore not late for the women of Goa to do their bit at the centenary celebration, When this issue was brought to the notice of prominent Konknni playwright Mr Wilson Mazarelo he was surprised of the facts and agreed that something ought to be done but felt that the Dalgado Konknni Akademi who are now organising the first literary and cultural convention at the Pai Tiatrist Joao Agostinho Fernandes nagar, near Ravindra Bhavan on 20th and 21st December, 2008 could consider a suitable function on 30/12/2008.

+91 98221 58584 (24 HRS) gonsalvesgodfreyji at


'Konkani in Romi script cannot be treated as a separate language'
Noted leader of the Konkani movement Uday Bhembre refuted allegations that he was responsible for blocking the demand of Romi script writers to be treated as a separate category for awards
In an interview with GT, Bhembre said the two scripts in which Konkani is written cannot be considered as two distinct languages for the purpose of instituting awards. He said it was the Literary Advisory Committee of the Kala Academy that first objected to the demand.
While admitting that the rift in the Konkani community on the issue of script had widened, Bhembre did not offer any solution. He said the extremist position taken by the protagonists of the Romi script will have to first give up their demand.
(Gomantak Times / 27 October 2007)


Sat Dec 20 01:07:15 PST 2008

We the family members of late Joao Agostinho Fernandes thank the organisors Dalgado Konknni Akademi, and the Konknni playwright fraternity of the first " Konknni (ROMI LIPI) Sahitya ani Sonvskruti Sommelon" to be held on 20th and 21st December, 2008 for naming the venue, of the convention as "Pai Tiatrist" - "Joao Agostinho Fernandes nagar " - at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao Goa ,and for staging a tiatr written by "Pai Tiatrist " to commemorate his birth anniversary.

Indeed we do acknowledge also earlier efforts to name the 1150 AC indoor auditorium after "Pai Tiatrist" on 20/07/2008.

It is indeed a great honour bestowed upon him for the cause of Konknni.

We also take this opportunity to extend an open invitation to all the organisors and the delegates who would be participating in the two day convention to visit the " House of Pai Tiatrist " during the convention or even thereafter.

We are indeed delighted that the State Government of Goa is upon the recommendation of the Rajya Sabha MP Shri Shantaram L Naik, who visited our house on 30/08/2008 considering maintaining the modest 140 year old "House of Pai Tiatrist" , so that it will inspire the upcoming Konknni playwrights to understand how Pai Tiatrist rose to become an icon in Konknni tiatros, even though he came from humble background. His personal effects and orginal works will be preserved in this House for the benefit of visitors. It would also be of interest to know that on the 100th death anniversary on 30/12/2008 of his wife Regina Fernandes, the first lady to act on stage on 22/11/1904, there will be a Eucharistic Mass dedicated to her at the Holy Spirit Church Margao at 8.00 a.m. Friends and well wishers may accept this as the only intimation. We wish the organisors and Konknni playwrights at the "Sommelon" all success and many more to follow.

Kindly circulate this message to all Konknni lovers.

Ana Maria Carolina Quadros Fernandes,
306, House of "Pai Tiatrist" Modsai, Margao - Goa 403601
Tel: 0832 2726713


1st Konkani Culture and literary festival at Margao

Sat Dec 20 09:39:33 PST 2008

Dears,On Saturday evening, 20 December, 2008, the CM was the Chief Guest at the inaugural function of the 1st Konkani Culture and literary festival at Margao. I was happy to be proved wrong in my assumption, based on otherwise reliable inputs, that is was going to avoid the function. Mr. Mauvin Godinho failed to turn up. So it was a double surprise. The organisers remembered the sacrifice of Florian Vaz, the twenty years old boy who was killed by Police at Gogol-Margao this day 22 years ago, 20 Dec. 1986 during the KPA-led Konkani agitation. Daniel F.D'Souza and Tina D'Costa compered the event. Incidentally, Daniel is the winner of the second Konknni Martir Florian Vaz Puroskar earlier this year. Fr. Pratap Naik SJ, the Director of TSKK thathas instituted the award, was the keynote speaker. The programme continues the whole of Sunday as detailed below.

Mog asundiMiguel--- On Fri, 19/12/08, Miguel Braganza < miguelbraganza at > wrote:Subject: 1st Konkani Culture and literary festival at MargaoTo: "Goanet" < goanet at >Date: Friday, 19 December, 2008, 10:25 PMDears,Please inform your friends about the Konkani cultural programme tomorrow and on Sunday organised by the Dalgado Konkani Akademi at the Pai Tiatrist Joao Agostinho Fernandes hall, Ravindra Bhavan, Margao.

The programmes areSunday morning, 21 December, 20089.30 A.M. Cultural programme10.00 TALKS on Novels, Poems, Essays.12 noon Cultural programme1.00 P.M. Lunch3.00 P.M. TALKS Education, Tiatr and Youth5.30 P.M. Valedictory function. Churchill Alemao is the Chief Guest and you can best your last rupee that he will be there. the South Goa Parliamentary seat will be up for grabs in less than six months from now ...and he has his eyes on it for the love of Valanka. 6.30 P.M. Tiatr "Tandellanchem Kestanv" written by Pai Tiatrist Directed by Anil Kumar. I know it is almost Christmas time and everyone is busy, but if you can make the time, do come and encourage the people who have put this programme together ...all for the love of Konkani.

Mog asundi
Miguel Braganza


The issue of official language status to Konkani
Tuesday, 20 February 2007

On 5th March, 2007 the Indian National Congress Party
led coalition government with NCP, MGP and an
Independent, will table a Bill on grant of official
language status to both Konkani in Roman script and
Marathi during the second and final 5 day session of
the fourth Goa Legislative Assembly ending 9th March

In all probability the Chief Minister, Mr Pratapsing
Raoji Rane who holds the portfolio for Official
Languages will be the obvious choice to introduce the
bill and ensure its passage in the same session. It
is bound to receive the support of both the ruling and
opposition. in Roman script was a long pending demand of the
protoganist of Konkani in " Romi lipi". The Church
viewing the groundswell support of the masses had
distanced itself from the issue having committed a
blunder in falling head over heels in accepting the
OLA 1987 with Konkani in Devanagari script as the
Official language. This foolish move put its own
Catholic community into peril for the last over 20
years and on the other in a hypocrite spirit
publishing the first "Povitr Pustok" Holy Bible in
Konkani "Romi lipi".

Thus once accorded official status justice will be
done to Konkani in the Roman script after 20 years of
the passing of the Official Language Act on 4th
February, 1987. It will also perhaps leave in peace
Goa's first martyr for Konkani late Master Floriano
Vaz of Gogol Fatorda belonging to the ST community who
was fired point blank at the height of the language
agitation on 20th December, 1986, besides the other
six martyrs from Agacaim.

In the meanwhile protoganist who were demanding
official language status to Marathi will now be put
into a piquant situation once recognition of Marathi
as official language is granted. Not many Bahujan
Hindus want offical status to be granted to Marathi.
In fact many put their mother tongue as Konkani in
their resumes for employment.

While there is no denying the fact that Marathi is
used by every Hindu in both cultural liturgical and
commercial purposes just as Catholics use Konkani in
Roman script; the grant of "official status" at this
stage when the demographic composition in the state is
rapidly changing due to high influx of non goans
---will certainly cause encumberances to Bahujan Samaj
Hindu community who will now find it difficult to
compete with Maharashtrians who will easily make a
forceful entry into the Government portals having a
better command of both written and spoken Marathi in
its refined form.

As it most of the deputationists from Maharashtra who
entered government portals after Liberation on
19/12/1961 have their next of kin well ensconed in the

Not that this was not happening with the "near
official status" that was granted to Marathi in the
OLA 1987.

In any case it is for the Hindu Bahujan community to
come out in the open to oppose official status to
Marathi ----on this count only --- and the
protogonists of Konkani in Roman script will be only
too glad to support their move --- not otherwise.

According to some top political leaders who spoke to
this writer this evening, at a discreet meet they
expressed surprise that some of the stalwarts who
were present at the press conference last evening 19th
February, 2007 when Fr Conceicao D Silva issued a
"final ultimatum " to the Government to amend the OLA
to incorporate the words "and Roman script" were
actually enjoying the fruits of office as members in
various Government bodies and were apparently doing it
to better their poll prospects.

"Is it not fair for them to first quit such offices
and then issue ultimatum or castigate the Government?
" he quizzed this writer.

There was also apprehension being expressed by these
politicos at this impromptu meet this evening on the
REAL DEMAND of the protoganists for according official
status to Konkani in Roman script.

Is this status intended only to apportion to
themselves or the Dalgado Konkani Academy funds which
the Goa Konkani Academy gives to protogonists of one
language one script, they wondered?

Is it that the "tiatrists" playwrights are demanding
some share of this budgetary allocation to the GKA the
only recognised body of the language Konkani in
Devanagari script?

Will the demand for official language status to
Konkani in Roman script provide educational
opportunities to children in primary schools?

These and many questions remain unanswered.

That there is confusion and lack of logistics and
planning was also a subject of animated discussion at
this discreet meet in South Goa this evening --- It is
apparent from the fact that there have been several
change in names of the Fronts mooted by the top
protoganists heading the movement for official status
to Konkani in Roman script --first it was "Konkani
Lipiyacho Ekvott" with Fr Pratap Naik sj Director
TSKK Porvorim . Then it changed to "Romi Lipi Action
Front " with Mr Wilson Mazarelo tiatrist as its
Convenor then came the "Tiatristacho Saunstha" with
Prince Jacob, acting in league with RLAF and now the
latest is " Romi Lipiechi Chollvoll " with Convenor,
Fr Conceicao D Silva. Despite verbal assurances given
by Dr Wilfred De Souza, Dy CM and NCP leader, Mr
Churchill Alemao Mormugao Parliamentary Constituency
ex Town and Country Planning Minister and Taleigao MLA
Antanasio (Babush ) Monserate, these were words of
wishful thinking. Many of the Catholic MLA's
including Mr Luisinho Faleiro Minister for Education
were against touching the OLA 1987 even Mr Eduardo
Faleiro ex MP and now Commissioner for NRI Affairs
with Cabinet status was not clear about his stand on
the official status to be accorded to Konkani in Romi
lipi so also was Mr Francisco Sardinha Speaker of the
Goa Legislative Assembly. This uncertainity arose
from the fact that the protogonists could not convince
these leaders the real motives behind grant of
official language status to Konkani in Roman script.

All this was bound to create an air of uncertainity
and hence lack of public support to this cause. It is
a known fact that in the cyberage every household
aspires for fluency in English which is now the
language of the stomach and the ladder of success
hence the luke warm support appears to be given for
this demand.

There is also further chaos in their thinking and
direction, and each one wants to project themselves as
"martyrs" for the cause of "Romi Lipi" not having done
enough justice while they were law makers.

Even at a time when Mr Radharao Gracias ex Independent
MLA tabled the Bill for grant of official status to
Konkani in Devanagari script he was ridiculed by the
present CM Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane as a "rabid dog"
and none of the present protogonists supported his
cause then, though they now shed crocodile tears.

This writer has pieced up documentary evidence from
the news daily following the declaration on 4th
February 1987 of the Official Language Act and the
writings clearly indicate that they whole heartedly
supported Konkani in Devanagari script. Even the TSKK
had compromised on this status to Konkani with
Devanagari script only.

Yet another ill directed strategy is the group
demanding that Dalgado Konkani Academy may be
recognised as the official body for dispensing grants
recieved from the Government for the promotion of
Konkani in Roman script.

The most vital lacunae in the year long demand is that
while the esisting Goa Legislative Assembly is
competent to decide the issue --- there are some who
are out of power and wish to use this as an emotive
issue to stage a come back and hence they are only
interested in making it an election issue.

Meanwhile this Bill after introduction will definitely
provide a handle for regional political parties in the
INC heartland Salcete --- to arouse passions
whipping up sentiments against Marathi being accorded
the official language status.

But for a national parties like the INC and NCP it
will ensure victory in almost all the constituencies
and could cause a further dent in the election
prospects of the BJP .

There is also a rider to this Bill, once introduced
and passed may not receive the assent immediately and
the Government present or future could bide its time
in giving it statutory status.

For this Bill could be intended only to salvage the
party from the harm done to it by the present
Government following the Regional Plan fiasco.

In one stroke CM Pratapsing R Rane will have
implemented what was spread as a canard last year i.e
grant of official language status to Konkani Romi lipi
and Marathi.

From the Cavelossim - Mobor end

+91 98221 58584 (24 HRS)
gonsalvesgodfreyji@ in


The second day of the two day 1st Konknni (Roman script ) Sahitya and Sonsvskruti Sommelon ended today at the Pai Tiatrist nagar with six major resolutions passed unanimously by the over 357 delegates that attended the concluding session :
a) recognition to Roman script in the Official language Act by bringing an amendment
b) Sahitya Academy New Delhi to consider giving all facilities to Konknni in Roman script as extended to other languages
c) Goa Konknni Academy should revive the old practice ,since discontinued to consider awards for works in Konknni in Roman script
d) All government laws and publications gazettes should be made available in Konknni Roman script as well
e) State Government should pursue the issue of restoration of mutiliated Konknni vinyl records of Konknni artistes with All India Radio both at Mumbai and Goa with the Central Government to save these gramophone records for posterity;
f) Archdiocese of Goa and Daman to instruct various churches in Goa to give full encouragement to promotion of Konknni in Roman script
Speaking at the concluding session this evening Mr Churchill Alemao Minister for PWD reiterated his demand for grant of official language status to Konknni in Roman script by amending the Act 1987. He stated in clear terms that it was the late PM Mr Rajiv Gandhi who had conceded to this demand but it was Uday L Bhembre who betrayed the Konknni devanagari protoganists by inserting Konknni means “in devanagari” script in OLA 1987 . He also appealed to Goan Tiatrists to unite for one could achieve a lot through unity. He acknowledged the fact that Konknni tiatros as a performing arts was well received by the Goans and therefore this could be used to turn the tables against those opposing its introduction and propping up the canard of demand for Marathi.

Earlier in the day the presentation of papers on
Kotha and Kadambori by Bonaventure D Pietro
Kovita by Panadarinath Lotlikar
Lekh/Lolit Borovp by Dr (Fr ) Victor Ferrao
received a huge response by way of questions from the young Konknni writers poets and others . This interaction session put up many queries which the moderator Shri Tomazinho Cardozo helped to clear the doubts. His deep knowledge on these issues with the able assistance of Pietro Lotlikar and Ferrao was well received by the audience. The presence of youth in large numbers from all over the State gave a sign of encouragement to Konknni movement which will inspire the organisors and DKA

Later post lunch session Konknni Somaz Konknni Bhaxek kitlo Lagim Kitlo Pois saw some well researched papers on
Xikxonn by Prof Newman Fernandes
Tiatrache Yogdan Mr Wilson Mazarello
Tornnate Fr Conceicao D Silva

Prof Newman Fernandes ex Principal St Xaviers College and now with the Allahabad Agricultural Institute a deemed University in UP made some interesting points .a) that developing nations prospered because 75 % of those that went to school pursued higher education which in the case of China grew to 15% but in India it was a dismal 5%. This is worse in Goa because youth in the coastal belt do not pursue education but are happy with hospitality industry jobs on land or overseas. This vacuum gets filled by outsiders. Institutions of higher education in Goa have shortages of seats. His proposal was for Goa to have a Research Insitute for Konknni to promote the language.

He indirectly admitted that it was the wrong policy of the Government in 1990 -91 to pursue the language policy which introduced Konknni in devanagari script which has resulted in the difficulties faced by the youth during the transition from class IV to V but seemed happy with English as a subject being introduced to mitigate this problem.since last year.

Mr Wilson Mazarelo pursued the issue to make the Konknni tiatr an industry to make it viable. When a delegate posed the question of the contribution of tiatr directors to have written scripts documented he agreed that this was a valid point and that those from the tiatr fraternity should pursue this issue.
Fr Conceicao D Silva expressed his displeasure with the present generation for promoting English instead of Konknni . He was pleased to inform that in France UAE USA Israel etc all countries promoted Konknni language in liturgical services and he was pleased to introduce iKonknni in Roman script in some countries.

Dr Nandkumar Kamat was at his best moderating the deliberations. His repository of knowledge on any subject under the sun and more so in matters relating to the State were worth and earned the commendation from the delegates.

There were bouts of cantaram comedy songs by upcoming and professional singers like Anthony San, Bai Clarissa Francis Pinto Nazario Pinto Jr Simla and Antim . A special performance by Menezes Theatres with Lawry Travasso (Melody King) Comedy by Sheikh Amir songs by Rosy Alvares Mario Menezes and Edison/Joana regaled the audience.

Being the birthday of Pai Tiatrist Joao Agostinho Fernandes – his daughter in law Ms Ana Maria Carolina Quadros Fernandes who was present with grand daughter Sharmila Fernandes and other family members, was presented a special bouquet by the President of Dalgado Konknni Akademy Mr Premanand Lotlikar.

Later a play Tandllanchem Kestanv written by Pai tiatrist on 3rd March 1945 was staged in his memory by noted Konknni playwright from Chandor Mr Anilkumar . Prefixing the tiatr the audience sang “Happy Birthday” and the Chief Guest Mr Churchill Alemao placed a bouquet at the portrait of Pai Tiatrist which adorns the 1150 ac auditorium named after him at Ravindra Bhavan Margao. Dr Francisco Colaco sang an Alfred Rose composition which was well recieved by the audience and a repeat performance found him receiving a thunderous applause.

Unfortunately the protoganists of Konknni in Devanagari script were no where in sight which clearly exposed their ONE LANGUAGE ONE SCRIPT IDEOLOGY and this became the turning point for the votaries of Konknni in Roman script to pursue their goal with further enthusiasm.

The intentions of the Government of Goa to the language issue will be witnessed in a few days when the post of President of Goa Konknni Akademy is finalised. According to insiders N Sivdas is tipped to be the new incumbent and this is true the pro Devanagari lobby would have succeeded in having their Man Friday at the helm of affairs admitting thus the double speak of the coalition Government .

Though the organisors could claim the success of the Convention it is time they leave the nitty gritty of event management to specialists to make a better success in future as certain flaws earned could have been avoided.

From the Pai Tiatrist hall

+91 98221 58584 (24 HRS)

As posted on gulf-goans e-Newsletter


Romi convention demands equal status with Devnagiri


Asserting that Konkani in Roman script has kept Konkani language alive for centuries and is being widely used in Goa, the first Literary and Cultural convention of Konkani in Roman Script has unanimously resolved that Konkani in Roman script be given equal status along with Devnagiri script by including it in the Goa Official Language Act.
The two-day Convention, which concluded at the Ravindra Bhavan here on Sunday, further asked the Archbishop of Goa to take the lead and issue necessary directives to all the Parishes under his jurisdiction to spread the love of Konkani language in Roman script among their parishioners. “Much of the Christian religious work in Churches is being done in Konkani in Roman script. Therefore, it is of urgent and great need to take proper steps to protect Konkani in Roman script”, the resolution added.
In another resolution, the convention resolved that Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, while considering the books published in Konkani in different scripts, should also consider Konkani books published in Roman script and also extend all other benefits that the Academy extends to books published in scripts other than Roman scripts.
Saying that Goa Kala Akademi has stopped selecting books published in Konkani in Roman script for its annual awards from 1987, the Convention has resolved that Goa Kala Academi should continue the practice of awarding its annual awards to the books published in Roman script at the earliest.
The convention has resolved that al the government Ministries in Goa should henceforth publish all its literature in Konkani in Roman script as well.
Saying that vintage CDs’, Vinyl or gramophone records and cassettes
(Continued on page 10)
with All India Radio and Doordarshan archives have been spoiled due to lack of timely care. The convention has resolved that All India Radio and Doordarshan should take proper measures to reconstruct these age old CD’s vinyl or gramophone records and cassettes and conserve them for posterity.
Earlier during an interaction wherein Prof Newman Fernandes, Wilson Mazarello and Fr Conceicao D’Silva presented their papers on education, tiatr and the youth presided over by Dr Nandkumar Kamat, it was felt that Goa is a unique State where the government is not serious in implementing the Official Langauge. “People come here for employment, business and there’s no compulsion to learn Konkani”, Kamat said.
It was further felt that the Goa government should take a policy decision on treating tiatr as a Cultural Industry of Goa. The participants lamented that Goan laws are not being brought out in local language, adding that even the Official Gazette is published in English.
A demand for a Konkani Kendra was also mooted, with a call to take the message of Konkani to Goan families. It was felt that Konkani language and Goan culture will be wiped out if people do not patronise the language.

* Konkani in Roman script be given equal status along with Devnagiri script by including it in the Goa Official Language Act.
*Archbishop should take lead and direct all Parishes to spread the love of Konkani language in Roman script.
*l Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi should also consider Konkani books published in Roman script and extend benefits given to books in other scripts.
* Goa Kala Academi should continue practice of awarding books published in Roman script.
* All government Ministries in should publish all its literature in Konkani in Roman script as well.
*All India Radio and Doordarshan should try to reconstruct age old CDs or gramophone records and cassettes and conserve them for posterity.


Bhembre denying official status to Konkani in Roman script: Churchill
PWD Minister Churchill Alemao has squarely blamed noted Konkani writer and a leading light of the Konkani movement, Adv Uday Bhembre for denying Konkani in Roman script its due status in the Official Language Act.
Speaking at the concluding day of the two-day first literary and cultural convention of Konkani in Roman Script here on Sunday, Alemao made an impassioned plea to all tiatrists to come under one banner to unitedly fight the movement to achieve official status for Konkani in Roman script.
Claiming that it was Adv Bhembre who had put the word “Konkani in Devnagiri script” in the Bill, Alemao said Bhembre had no right to include this word, which has till date denied Konkani in Roman script its due right.
The Minister said that Konkani in Roman script is the only answer to protect Goa and its rich cultural identity in the face of migration experienced in the state. “Till Konkani in Roman script gets its official status, the future of Goans is at stake”, he added.
Admitting that pro-Roman script protagonists woke up late to demand equal status for the script, Alemao, however, said it is not too late to achieve the dream and asked the tiatrists to unite and come under one banner to save Konkani and Goa.
“In 50 years, Goa and Goans will be wiped out if Konkani in Roman script does not get official recognition”, he said adding that “Chief Minister Digambar Kamat has put his attention on our demand, but some also demand equal status for Marathi.

- Material collected by gaspar almeida, for team
in the interest of Konkani

(Thanks to Miguel Braganza, Godfrey J.I. Gonsalves,,
The Navhind Times, V-Ixtt and other sources).